something perfect.

that... is my face right now.

I quit wearing makeup about 8 days ago, and counting.
a lot of people have asked me why?
why did I stop?
did I want to make a statement?
prove a point?
prove someone wrong?
prove to myself I can do it?
to be honest with you, at this point, I'm not sure why.
at first, I said, " I want super clear skin for prom." or "I wanna show you that I can be beautiful without it" or perhaps "I'm literally just tired of washing makeup off my face or getting up early in the morning to put it on before the day starts."
all these reasons are... well, logical, but, now I see something different.

when I first looked in the mirror in the mornings all I could think was "holy moly what am I doing? going out in public looking like this???? could this really be a good idea?"
lemme tell ya, it was GENIUS. I feel amazing now!
not only amazing in the way of  "its nice to have a clean face" but amazing in the way I see myself. before I hated the way I looked. forever wasting my time comparing myself to other girls. I was never enough. I always needed to change something about me. "I'm not skinny enough" "I need some new eyebrows" or "man this kind of nose has got to go". I doubted God. I said "God why didn't you make me beautiful like her?!"
when in reality I am beautiful. I am not ugly. I am worth far more than rubies. I cant look to other people to gain approval. it will never be enough. but god says "yes, you are enough because that's the way I created you."

people honestly were shocked with my decision. because if you know me, you know that, I DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT MAKEUP. I set that standard for myself.
ive gotten many confused looks from friends and some have even commented.
nothing bad. in fact! ive gotten comments like "why do you look so makeup-less?" and even, "oh my word you look beautiful!". when people can see the real you. the you without paint to cover your imperfections and flaws that aren't really there. when they see someone they can relate to, and not be jealous of all the time. they see beauty. real true beauty. not painted on by makeup. something God created. something created in the image of the creator. something perfect. 

you are not ugly. please don't feel that way. you were created in the image of the picture of beauty himself! why worry about what others think of you when the one who created you just the way he wanted says you're beautiful!!!!
you don't need makeup to cover up what he created. he created you because he loves to look at your beautiful face! don't cover it with something fake. 

now. I'm not saying makeup is bad. by all means its fun! fun to experiment with and try new looks. but when it becomes an idol? something I think about all the time? something that takes the place of my beloved Jesus? that's when its gotta go. 

ill wear it for prom. don't worry. I'm not THAT crazy. but not everyday. I am beautiful without it. 


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