nobody's perfect.

well. you guessed it... Hannah Montana was right.
really though! no. one. is. perfect.
that's just how it is. you can try to be, but your not.
some may say your are, but your not.
but there is one who is.
his name?
everything about him is perfect.
his life? perfect.
his thoughts? perfect.
his name? perfect.
him? perfect.
but guess what?
He became imperfect, so you could be perfect.
that's perfect love right there.
So, if he became imperfect just for you... don't you think we might need to do something in return for that perfect sacrifice?
as a Christian, that's the ultimate reason for living.
but. since nobody's perfect, how do we in return, give a perfect sacrifice?
there lies the problem.
us (imperfect) < him (perfect)
this is how its meant to be.
how it always was and always will be.
but that doesn't stop him from loving us any less.
in high school, the cool kids don't like or hang out with, the um... non- cool, kids.
but Jesus is the cool kids and we are, whether you want to admit it or not, not. cool.
but the amazing thing about this?
in this story, the cool kid longs to hang out with you, the not cool kid!
that's right!
you are wanted.
don't worry about your past.
all that matters is, here and now.
are you living your life in honor to Jesus, the only perfect one?
or are you living it for your imperfect little soul?
you don't have to be imperfect for long though.
the one who holds the stars, holds your heart.
and he loves your little soul.
that imperfect soul? he wants to make it perfect.
and he will.
just trust him.
he knows, exactly, what he is doing.
you're in good hands.
perfect. hands.
your are held by a perfect savior, in perfect hands, and he is making you perfect.


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