
we always hear “God has a plan”. 
at least i know i do. 
but sometimes i question it. 
does He? 
it’s hard to wrap your mind around how much he loves you and wants to best for you. 
but i think when we say He has a plan we have a fogged perspective on what the really means. 
it doesn’t mean he has your life laid out in chronological order on a timeline in heaven. 
he doesn’t have each individual event in your life planned out perfectly. 
he knows what will happen but... 
his “plan” for your life is for it to bring glory to Him. 
by what school you go to. 
who you marry. 
how many kids you have. 
he just wants you to live for Him. 
it’s not bad to pray for Gods will, just know that it may not always be clear. 
it’s not going to be easy. 
and it means He will open doors where He wants you to be. 
and if He doesn’t? pray that He will still bring glory to Him through whatever you choose to do. 
it’s hard. trust me. i know. 
but He’s got ya. 
right in the palm of His hands. 
what if everyone in the world was doing Gods will for their life?
it’d be beautiful. 

so let it start with me and you. 


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